By thedancingtit - 07/06/2016 05:11 - United States - Eagle River

Today, I let my brother babysit my 6-year-old daughter. She learned 2 new words from him. One of them was "Hail" and the other one was "Satan". FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 053
You deserved it 2 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All you have to do is replace "Satan" with "Hydra" and Boom! A new Captain America is born

Aww she makes such a cute little demon. Keep an eye out for goat heads and pentagrams.


TMO2142 25

Well then. I wouldnt let your brother baby sit anymore

All you have to do is replace "Satan" with "Hydra" and Boom! A new Captain America is born

The geek in me wants to correct you and say that if anything, a new Red Skull would be born, but the rest of me has beaten him up, and he's down on the ground, feeling around for his broken glasses.

The geek in me joins in your inner geek's beat down. Read the Captain America reboot. Captain America: Steve Rogers No. 1 ends with Captain America saying "Hail Hydra." (And before anybody says it's not really him, Nick Spencer, the current Cap writer has stated that it isn't a clone or affected version. This is who Captain America is (as of now).)

MamaChey 24

Looks like the geek won, huh?

MamaChey 24

I take that back, Tripartita. You are no longer the biggest geek on this post...

Sounds like your brother is a little too immature to babysit your daughter.

...or he worships satan and is trying to convert her daughter, hopefully just immature.

So what if he is a satanist and trying to convert her? Christians do it to everyone else.

PePziNL 20

And besides, if God kills thousands of children with cancer he "works in mysterious ways", but if Satan does it he's "the devil". #doublestandards

If you actually read the doctrine of the church of Satan, they're actually pretty amazing. They preach doing whatever the **** you want as long as you aren't screwing with other people's lives. They advocate kindness and don't judge the **** out of everyone like Christians do.

Aww she makes such a cute little demon. Keep an eye out for goat heads and pentagrams.

Am I correct in presuming you have a similar origin story involving the words "dancing" and "tit" OP?

MamaChey 24

Nope. That's actually OP's real name...

wordygirl 11

#11 it would be the same!, now wouldn't it? Op you need to open up a can of whoop *** on that brother of yours!

My friend once taught their nephew to say heil hitler, I'm not sure which is worse

In some countries saying this in public could lead to problems. When you say the satan version people will usually think /understand you are joking

l3b4s1 8