By VacationRuined - 16/06/2013 23:22 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, I left for a one and a half month trip to Japan with my boyfriend. He promptly broke up with me the first night in the hotel. When asked why he couldn't have waited until the trip was over, he said he didn't want to create "false memories". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 906
You deserved it 3 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a heartless prick. I'm really sorry OP.

Just because there are a lot of fish doesn't mean she can catch them.


skehar 23

He can't be serious. I'm sorry OP. I hope he manages to get some form of radiation poison.

He should have done it BEFORE the trip not after or during! Ugh some people are selfish freaks.

Yeah I hope you kicked him in the gonads so he can remember how evil it was to break up with you in another country

That's just horrible...hope the trip looks up in some way for you...

Enjoy yourself in Tokyo! It's a whole new world there & it may be better that you are hanging out alone. My boyfriend brought me to Tokyo last month & he regretted having to follow me shopping. LOL Have an adventure!

While he is an absolute dick, I can't help but agree with the whole "not wanting to make false memories" thing. I mean, What he definitely should have done was break up with you BEFORE the trip, but, would you rather go on a trip with him, then have him break up with you, having your memories of Japan no longer enjoyable because he's in every one of them, plus knowing that he was probably faking his enjoyment the whole time, or else have to go through a break-up, but being able to make some real memories of Japan that won't be tainted by him being in them? Like I said, he's still a douche, and should have broken up with you BEFORE the trip, but, I think it's better than him telling you after. Hope you guys can either work out your problems or find separate hotels so you can enjoy your trip separately.

He kinda has a point with his reasoning but he should have done it before you started the trip. I hope there's a way for you to not stay with him in the same room all the time. Try to enjoy the trip without him, distract yourself. Maybe you'll find a new boy =D

So in order not to create false memories, he has both of you in an awkward, uncomfortable situation for a month and a half (assuming you're sharing a room)? Aside from being a dick, he is also not very clever.

It sounds like he wanted to go to Japan, and it sounds like he used you to get there. Make him pay for the hotel room, and just leave to go to a different one. Also, take all the money that belongs to you, and his return ticket. He will grow up quickly. There is no way I would stay with his lying ass.

I'm sure the Yakuza could always use another target for shooting practice.