By ItHurtsLIkeHell - 01/03/2010 09:13 - Malaysia

Today, I learnt that if you accidentally sit on a hamster, instead of dying, it bites your testicles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 916
You deserved it 43 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

But I don't have testicles.

I hope you learned to look where you sit.


alice_wt 0

and why won't everyone shut up already about the grammar. I also thought "learnt" was wrong, and its also underlined red from the grammar checking tool, but whatever. if it's the british way, then so be it

what's with all the ydi? he said accidentally, which means he wasn't necessarily bein an idiot. I hav a hamster and they run everywhere so it's hard to keep an eye on them sometimes

pendulum2012 0

All of your comments are so angry, do they have Midol in Canada?

dannthemannxx 0
MasterConan 0

'lernt' is not a ******* word! u dumb shit!

"Lernt" most certainly is not a word. "Learnt" is, actually. Look it up, as many others have provided links. We're just beating a dead horse at this point.

the hamster should be writing this fml story, not you...