By ItHurtsLIkeHell - 01/03/2010 09:13 - Malaysia

Today, I learnt that if you accidentally sit on a hamster, instead of dying, it bites your testicles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 916
You deserved it 43 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedTriceratops 0

But I don't have testicles.

I hope you learned to look where you sit.


Okay, first off you guys are stupid it does NOT say anywhere in this FML storythag the guy is naked!! Second "learnt" is also a correct term for spelling. It may not e correct everywere , but it still is. You guys are not grammar genius's so get over yourselves ( this message goes mainly to the top commented people)

Oh grand master, show me where I was wrong. You can't, so f*** off. ;)

Yes you do. "Seems, neither are you" is wrong. The comma there should be used to separate an independent and dependent clause. You have neither; you have a sentence fragment. Your comma is unnecessary. It should be "It seems like you aren't either." or, if you really wanted a comma, "Neither are you, it seems." English is my second language and even I know that.

Actually, I am CORRECT. I used the comma to separate a N-O-N-E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L cause from the rest of the sentence. Learn to English better. By the way, if you honestly get "at" me for that last line, go right ahead, add to my amusement. :)

You may have a dependent clause, but you need an independent clause before you need a comma to separate the two. Since you don't have one, your comma is incorrectly used.

The comma you had in "Actually, I am CORRECT (aka wrong)." is properly used. Not the one you had originally. "Seems" by itself is not considered a clause and therefore your comma that separates your "N-O-N-E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L clause" from "neither are you" is incorrect. A better revision would be simply "Neither are you." Btw, English isn't my first language, which makes it sad that I know more about it than yourself.

English is the FIFTH language I learned to read, write and speak. So how about you shut the **** up? Do I LOOK Caucasian to you? Dumbfuck.

By the way, another note on your little English lesson. Not only was the comma placed there for a nonessential clause, it is ALSO used as a modifier. Thanks for playing, make sure to join me for the next round. Idiot.

Before you type anything, english is the first language and only language i learned (i know a little spanish but it doesn't matter). I do not claim to be an "expert", I'm just putting out there what I am entitled to, my opinion. I, myself, saw it as being wrong. It seemed as if you had only one fragment, not two, not a "N-O-N-E-S-S-E-N-T-I-A-L cause ", not a modifier, not anything, just a simple fragment. in which case, sorry, you would not need a comma. It seemed like "one" incomplete (for being a fragment) thought. However, an english college professor I asked said that yes, a comma would be put there, But not for the reasons you have protested. The reason it would be there is that the comma is used to replace words which should be there, such as like or as though. And also, asteroth, go you really have nothing better to do with your ime than to argue with someone over a comma? And to kritz0, why would you purposefully write a wrong english phrase? That's just adding to the point about bad grammar we're getting at. sure it was meant as a joke and sarcasm but it really didn't do anything good.

free vasectomy. doesn't get any better than that. in a Darwinian sense.

good thing you had balls or else your hamster might have bit your labia. THAT would have been worse

Hamsters are easily one of the world's most evil creatures. He was probably plotting to bite your testicles well before you sat on him. You merely gave him motive and opportunity.

alice_wt 0

poor hamster.. watch where u sit, fat ass, u deserve a bite in the testicles

dwayland 0

no he doesn't he should have killed the hamster and not let it bite his love rocks

are you sure it was by accident? was the hamster named "Lemmiwinks" and are you "Mr. Slave"?