By seriously? - 07/09/2011 17:37 - United States
LittlexSparrow tells us more.
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Life has a way of turning out...
It was probably not having work on labor day that screwed them up
Well, my father always told me. SON: " life is like a bird, it's pretty cute until it ***** on your head". I never believed him until I read this FML!
My father always told me "Hey why don't you get a job you filthy cat!" We don't have a cat so I figured it was me.
My mom hit a turkey once. But it lived! I don't think it was the same story with the other bird though. R.I.P. Little Birdie. XD
At least the bird wasn't an angry bird, I suppose.
Hey guys will y'all thumbs this comment down please?
Steps for recovery after this day; Step 1: Drive to nearest liquor store Step 2: Buy your favorite bottle of booze (I prefer Vodka) Step 3: Drive home Step 4: Open bottle, drink the entire contents of bottle, get mind numbingly drunk, pass out, and forget it ever happened.
It's times like this, the things my father would say to me..."what the hell are you doing in the bathroom all day and night? Why don't you get out and give someone else a chance!"
Nice quote #90. I love that movie.
68 you're right. It was a suicidal bird instead. And 56, it's not OP's fault. Have you seen the way those little ****** up creatures fly from the opposite side of the road, across 4 lanes of traffic and, in most cases (this one excluded) merely miss being hit by you? Cause I see it all the time. Plus, just because OP didn't have work, doesn't mean he had no reason to go out. Not everyone stays home on their free days.
It's not the drivers fault there buddy
Haha sucks for u :( but hey, u still got the day off
Sucks for the bird
Indeed it does!
Yes 116, theres no such thing as accidents.
Seems to me that apart from a day off, you also have an off-day!
........ ^ You see that? You don't deserve anything.
You have a point there!
Lol xD
I hate when that happens
I love when that happens ! least you can relax the rest of the day:)
say that to the bird
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping., While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping. That poor bird will haunt him forever. Haha.
#74, That's Poe, not Shakespeare.
I hate when that happens... We are all forgetful, FYL
Dude, for real?
Nah dude, it was all a joke.
that. might. just. be. why. it's. posted. on. FML.
You spelt ******* wrong.
How do you forget you have a day off? That's the part of the week I look forward to the most!
He may have had a rough morning?
And more expensive with gas prices these days...

Seems to me that apart from a day off, you also have an off-day!
i feel sorry for you