By Anonymous - 22/05/2012 10:35 - Philippines

Today, I learned that shaving while feeling upset is a very bad idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 329
You deserved it 6 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you learn from your mistakes :) Just be glad you did not use a 1 blade razor, that hurts even of you're not upset, believe me. But hey, you are still alive and know what to not do, so cheer up.

Guys, "emo" is a ripoff subculture for kids who want to wear depression as a fashion statement. I'd like to se a person with REAL, SERIOUS problems declare themselves to be emo in public. It's because of them that people who self harm for real reasons aren't taken seriously.


MorteEtDabo 5

88, she's obviously wearing a hijab. *face ******* palm*

ThisBeAUsername 6
kandi_kid69 15

88- Your comment wasn't necessary.

thank you #77 and #91. I hate it when people use the stereotype "emo" for people who cut. I used to do it, and ya I realized it is pretty stupid of me to do. but it doesn't help when people make jokes about it. ya it's not smart, but you're not going to make it better for the person by making fun of them. so everyone who makes uses the stereotype "emo" can just shut up. stereotypes are just a way of referring to someone you don't know well enough anyways.

Should've calmed yourself down first.

88) even though noor does look like a nun that runs through flowers, atleast she has an open mind instead of cutting oneself whenever you get emotional.

There should be no reason to cut yourself at all or hurt yourself... If you do you need help and to stop, theres millions of otherways to control your emotions then that...

Nun that ran through flowers > Emo bitch.