By wellthisisbad - 29/02/2016 12:27 - United States - Boynton Beach

Today, I learned that not only am I pregnant, I'm too far along for an abortion. My husband and I originally bonded over the fact that we both hate children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 694
You deserved it 29 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaptainHonor 15

Adoption. Then get yourselves fixed so you don't have another accident.


Well if you knew you never wanted to have kids, you should've got snipped long ago instead of risking pregnancy and opting to kill an innocent child ydi.

You know, there are ways of ensuring that doesn't happen...

Well the only way to actually ensure it is abstinence, and that seems a bit excessive to tell a married couple to never have sex.

I'm pretty sure you can leave them at the hospital after birth no questions asked and the hospital will get them into an adoption agency. Might want to check your state laws though, otherwise you'll get into big trouble for child abandonment.

So put it up for adoption. Not a big deal.

Everyone saying that they should have been permanently sterilized doesn't understand how difficult it can be to get doctors to agree. I have two male friends that were only allowed to get theirs once they banked a certain amount of sperm and proved it to the doctors. Doctors are incredibly reluctant to tie tubes on women who haven't had children, even when they have health issues because it's invasive surgery. Even then vasectomies fail and tubes regrow together. I didn't believe that show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant. Then, I had a friend who had absolutely no symptoms, lost weight, was supposedly infertile from her medication and still used back up birth control. She was six months pregnant when she found out. You never know what they were doing to prevent pregnancy.

ciaobellaxo94 6

Not only are you two dumb as **** for not using birth control, but greedy as hell as there are people who can't have them. ydi and I hope you two dummies don't breed no more.

I feel as though the reason it's a "big deal" is because she's already past the cut-off for abortion. Her child may be viable outside the womb, which would indeed make the abortion wrong. Then again, maybe some of you are those people who would be calling her a monster regardless of how far along she was because you think a fetus is the same thing as a living, breathing child that could survive without being attached to, and feeding off of another living thing's body. So, all you people calling her a monster or a horrible person need to shut the **** up. Don't call her a such things just because your personal values and feelings towards the idea of potential children differ from hers.

kittycat2007 18

Soooo maybe now would be a good time to start saving for one of you to get fixed. You know, like you should have in the first place? Also, if you really honestly don't want a child, please place it for adoption. Don't make a child suffer for your mistake.

Yea, because if you're under 30 and have no kids it's just super easy to find a doctor who will sterilize you...

kittycat2007 18

I don't know OP's age. And yes it's hard to get it done under 27 from what I've read but it's not impossible. If I was using the word "hate" when applied towards children, I'd make darn sure I couldn't have any. Or at least make sure my partner couldn't. It just seems wise