By Good choice cat - 24/02/2014 19:05 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned that I'm the only person in my family that our new cat likes. She sleeps on my bed and always sits in my lap and despises everyone else. I'm allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 701
You deserved it 4 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

close the door to you room and keep the cat out! That's what I have to do too :) or take meds


an3ph 20

You THINK the cat likes you. It's actually plotting your death.

Cats are incredibly intelligent. And boy do they know when you don't like them or even allergic to them. You never know you may build up an allergy tolerance and before you know it you and the cat will become best friends. Cats are the best. Enjoy your time together

allergy tolerance? nope. I wish. it's a lie!

Cats often prefer the company of allergic people because they act so calm, never approaching the cat or try to engage them when they're not in the mood, so everything happen when the cat decides. Kinda sucks. My advice is to tell the cat no in a stern voice when she tries to sleep in your bed or such, or do some "aggressive" tschh-like noice. Easy to do the same over and over, making it easier for the kitty to understand. And keep removing the pet from the bed over and over, that was how I thought mine she isn't allowed on the counter. Also keep your room closed. On a related note, maybe the rest of your family members need to stop bugging the cat so much. Let her make the first move, that way she wont feel threaten and avoid contact.


You will build up a tolerance to it eventually. I have the same problem. Good luck!

I feel you, I'm allergic to cats too. And every cat I've ever met has LOVED me. I think it's because they figured it out and they want to give me an allergic reaction. XD

middlenamefrank 8

Actually, I'm guessing it's because they appreciate your lack of gushing at them. Most people, when meeting a cat, try to lure it by saying "here, kitty kitty!"; then they try to catch it so they can pick it up and pet it. How would YOU react to some creature ten times your size doing that to you? You, however, show the kind of behavior they love to see...some interest, but no direct approach. That's catnip to a cat.

I am as well. Hopefully one day there will be a cure. True fact though, short haired cats don't affect us as much. I spent the night at a friend's house who had a short haired cat. I think it was a Bengal cat. Supposedly they are mostly hypoallergenic. I didn't sneeze once and had no reactions. normal house cat are terrible for me though. but I like the fluffy cats best! :(

Captain_Becca_Ge 12

Maybe the cat doesn't like you. What if it's a spy from your family sent to kill you... with kindness.