By CancerFdMyLife - 26/09/2013 13:50 - United States - Washington

Today, I learned that an antidepressant that works too well is a stimulant. I've been jittering and twitching like a meth-head, and my co-workers are asking when Jesse will be showing up with my "stuff". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 164
You deserved it 3 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soon you'll be selling office supplies for hits, and holding coworkers up at stapler-point for more money, deadline tomorrow noon.


And this is a good example of why we should replace pharmaceuticals with marijuana.

Had that happen to me in high school. Couldn't stop smiling with a clenched jaw. My face hurt and I looked like a coke addict.

graceinsheepwear 33

Wellbutrin? It has stimulant properties.

Have you gotten rid of the cancer? (as of now?)

Go green, I'll bet you can get medical cannabis, you'll be happy as **** no matter what

We should just call you Badger if you're getting stuff from Jesse