Who's to blame?

By WhoopsIDidItAgain - 21/02/2022 16:00 - United States - Morgantown

Today, I forgot about the second half of a really important job interview. Guess I'll just drop out because now I can't afford college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 357
You deserved it 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's too bad you didn't get to take Remembering Appointments 301. It's a Junior-level course that teaches you how to remember appointments. The syllabus is: 1. Write shit down 2. Look at the shit you wrote down every day. It's a hard course. This is the main reason people who don't go to college have such a hard time getting work.

joseph_rod_05 14


It's too bad you didn't get to take Remembering Appointments 301. It's a Junior-level course that teaches you how to remember appointments. The syllabus is: 1. Write shit down 2. Look at the shit you wrote down every day. It's a hard course. This is the main reason people who don't go to college have such a hard time getting work.

joseph_rod_05 14

just lay off the booze. it's amazing what that shit makes you forget.