By xXx3mi_MuffinxXx - 01/07/2011 19:23 - United States

Today, I had to tell my best friend that I couldn't make it to the lake today or tomorrow because I'd been called in to work. She won't believe me and thinks I'm simply avoiding her. I got called in to bathe and clean dogs' anal glands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 756
You deserved it 3 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Yeah, friends just don't understand how good those taste.

you blow off your friend to clean a dogs ass? woah... you must really hate her

... aye most people arent like you boners

gayboii youu can't be gay you're toooo cute :]

ohh cheers mate... ima need to re-think my pick-up line then :/

I don't understand you gayboii. You say your not gay but then that's your username. You are the master at confusing me:)

coffeeandcream 8

maaaan, that sucks............

what's your facebook? read your FML's and your funny and cute haha

lmaoatall 6

we plan on selling it as a after market item at the ***** factory.

textwork 4

is that normal for your job?

Boners, explain to me what is going on in your profile picture..

Sadly, I know this awkwardness. I used to be a dog bather. It's a shitty job.