By xXx3mi_MuffinxXx - 01/07/2011 19:23 - United States

Today, I had to tell my best friend that I couldn't make it to the lake today or tomorrow because I'd been called in to work. She won't believe me and thinks I'm simply avoiding her. I got called in to bathe and clean dogs' anal glands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 756
You deserved it 3 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments


who knows, you might even have more fun than her.

take a picture of u mid job to show her proof

she'll believe you when you start smelling like ass

Youngness12 0

Dude I totally know what you mean I work at a grooming shop too.

perdix 29

She was probably jealous that you were hogging all that great anal gland squeezing fun all for yourself. C'mon, sharing is caring. On the bright side, I'll bet your skills transfer and you can master your boyfriend's prostate gland and give him the best orgasms ever.

julianne8174 0

I'm guessing you'd rather be with her??? haha that's fo sho where'd I'd rather be :( I'm sorry like really I would commit suicide if that was me....

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

call in sick and have some fun bangin your girl!

She said best friend, not girlfriend. Try reading the FML before you comment on it.

I bet your loving your social life right now, aren't you? FYL