By xXx3mi_MuffinxXx - 01/07/2011 19:23 - United States

Today, I had to tell my best friend that I couldn't make it to the lake today or tomorrow because I'd been called in to work. She won't believe me and thinks I'm simply avoiding her. I got called in to bathe and clean dogs' anal glands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 756
You deserved it 3 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments


that's what happens when you have a lame, entry-level job!

Did you tell her what your job was? Because there's no way you could make that up.

Well, you might've avoided a major sun burn.

y the hell would you lie about that!??!?!?

next time that happens bring your friend so she can clean some dogs

Won't work. For professionals only.

I feel sorry for you but do you love dogs??

At the least, OP must love dog shit