By Anonymous - 30/04/2019 16:00

Today, I had to quit my job. Why? Because I don't have a babysitter anymore. All I did was tell them I didn't want them mocking my baby when he cries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 110
You deserved it 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask friends for referals or use a service like to find a new one so you can start working again.

Mocking a baby for crying doesn’t make them a better person. You sound like an asshole.


Ask friends for referals or use a service like to find a new one so you can start working again.

Wah, wah, wah-wah-wah! Why did you tell your work to stop mocking your baby, or did you hire a team of babysitters?

I’m guessing the sitter was mocking the baby.

very responsible of you, quitting your job like an immature child that can't "adult" yet. how about taking a day or two of leave and explaining the situation with your big boy words so that you can rectify that and get back to work? jesus, the rest of us can do it SO CAN YOU YOU MORON

Matthew Irmen 11

Now they can mock you when you cry!

didn’t need to go full nuclear, dumbass

Seriously? There is absolutely NO ONE else that can watch your kid so you can actually keep your job? I find that hard to believe...