Now hireable

By Anonymous - 03/01/2022 19:59

Today, I rage-quit my job because my manager put me in a situation between putting my kids or my career first. I obviously chose my kids, but I’m now an unemployed single mom of two in the middle of a pandemic, with no one hiring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 153
You deserved it 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quitting your job with no back up plan is not putting your kids first. I was around 10 when I realized that my mom working long hours was what kept a roof over our heads and food on the table. Providing for your children is putting them first, throwing a literal tantrum and storming out on your ability to support them is not.

Need more info. Did your boss ask you to disown them, or to just not have any more no-call-no-shows with them as an excuse.


Need more info. Did your boss ask you to disown them, or to just not have any more no-call-no-shows with them as an excuse.

I hope you did it like Antonio Brown! That's the rage-quit of the year! Every restaurant and fast-food place is hiring. Take what you can get.

Quitting your job with no back up plan is not putting your kids first. I was around 10 when I realized that my mom working long hours was what kept a roof over our heads and food on the table. Providing for your children is putting them first, throwing a literal tantrum and storming out on your ability to support them is not.

so being abused at work and treated like shit is ok at work....... awesome thats cool u should realize the fact that all companies look after is the money they dont care about thier employees because they are easily replaced with in hours of quitting or being terminated from the company...... im enraged how u think its ok to abuse people especially with what people go through every day

rotflqtms_ 21

Didn't see anything about abuse. Putting her in a position to choose between her and her kids was what I read... She chould have lined up another job before quitting. And there are plenty of jobs if you look. I know for a fact that there are jobs. Nurses assistants are in short supply at hospitals everywhere. Quick easy training. Restaurants are also hiring. Fast food places too. So many places short staffed. Don't say no one is hiring. Lots of places you can get into with no training necessary. Suck it up and start looking. Everyone is quitting so you have plenty of opportunities.

Decipherme 11

Try apple - they’re hiring remotely for 24/hr to start

It sucks to lose a job and all, but today EVERYONE's hiring. In fact, there are 5 job openings for each candidate, on average in the US. That's the reason blue-collar workers wages almost doubled in some sectors. Just an example, Amazon now pays $22.50 per hour to work at their warehouse, and UPS struggling to hire drivers while offering them $32.50 per hour. Both ads are recent and physically posted on a banner next to my house (in PA). Good luck!

randybryant799 20

First rule of working. Never quit one job unless you have another one lined up.

Everywhere is hiring it seems because no one wants to work

OfficialMrD 3

I understand you were upset, but quitting your job without a backup plan is not putting your kids first. Im a single parent and the best thing to do would have been to find another job first then quit. No matter what, never out your kids at risk. If you live in the states, there are jobs everywhere

"No one hiring?" Literally everyone is hiring. People just won't work because they're making more money sitting on their butts collecting government money instead - and more than they'd make by actually working.