By Cantswim - 20/05/2009 15:45 - United States

Today, I had to go take swimming lessons because my mom has a fear I'll drown and I'm totally afraid of swimming anyway and never get anywhere near water. My instructor? A high school classmate of mine. My fellow swimming classmates? 5 and 6 year old kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 568
You deserved it 9 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're in high school and you write like a 4th grader. I think your mom should spend that swimming money on a tutor instead.

you could have said "swimming" a few more times you know


katie_bby 0

it's better than drowning in a puddle.

RazorbladeSmiles 0

I don't know how to swim, either.

nomei 0

I was in a similar boat as the oldest you could be to take a swimming class but the kids I were with weren't even 5. The oldest was 4.

Hey, that could actually be pretty fun, if you're confident about the whole thing and could laugh it off. Maybe you could even make a new friend (your instructor), and years later you'll both laugh about this.

ozymandias_fml 0

Just take a private lesson, at that point. They typically only cost $10/hour or so.

i dont get why peoplee cant swim and need swiming lesons unless they are disabled. i never swam in my life untill i was five and i went to a public pool and used comon sence to figure out how to swim. i tough myself how to swim in 2 hours aat 5 years old

You are clearly lying and your whole life until you were five WOW really all four years.!! You surely can't swim, you can't even spell, so go teach yourself how to do that now, it's fast and more valuable than knowing how to swim!!

redbeater 5

Don't be so scared. Humans are born knowing how to swim.

mmonster 0

YDI if you still listen to what you're mom has to say and your some old lady out of HIGH SCHOOL.

Gotta love all the mature adults calling you a kid. Ignore them, and have fun knowing you have better things to do in life than to bash people for having problems. Good luck!

to everybody that said why didn't the mother take him when he was younger...he was terrified of the ******* water!