By appropriatepolice - 16/01/2012 08:19 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my 65-year-old mother that it is inappropriate for her to walk around in front of me in her underwear. Her response? "Too bad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 842
You deserved it 13 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HiddenMonkey 8

Is it her house? Too bad for you. Your house? She did wipe your ass for you when you could and all those hard times in school. Let mom have her fun.


Yup, agree... Her house, your bad. Your house, you're justified.

Actually, I amend.... Her house, your bad. Your house, still your mother. After all she's done for you all of these years....would you prefer that she wasn't around? At all? Be thrilled your mom is still alive. What I wouldn't give to see mine just one more time.... In whatever the hell she damned well please. Cherish your mom from here on out because someday you'll be on this side of the grass when she isn't on the right side of it, so to speak.... *heavy sigh*

She's your mom, she can do what she wants, esp if it's her house!

hennessy89 34

That's just what parents do sometimes. They don't feel the need to cover up in front of their child.

PRpandaz 6

Hey everyone deserves to be comfortable, right?

kleopath 11

Sounds like something my mother would say.