By appropriatepolice - 16/01/2012 08:19 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my 65-year-old mother that it is inappropriate for her to walk around in front of me in her underwear. Her response? "Too bad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 842
You deserved it 13 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HiddenMonkey 8

Is it her house? Too bad for you. Your house? She did wipe your ass for you when you could and all those hard times in school. Let mom have her fun.


Her house - her rules. You should join in on the fun. Woohoo.

Her house - her rules. You should join in on the fun. Woohoo.

I don't see the problem. Yes, it's a little disturbing to look at but she is your mother. You probably were in the bath or shower with her as a toddler and she probably did it all the time when you were younger and you just didn't notice. It's normal for mothers to do that. My grandma is 70 and she does it when I visit.

Gothicbunnyx3 16

Lucky! my Mom doesnt even wear underwear!

cupcakedoom 3

I don't think it's appropriate for you to be telling your mother what is and isn't appropriate for her to do, as long as she is dressed when guests come over.

Ktgurl967 0

Wow cant you find something else better to complain about then this? At least something that would be worth my time. All this is is a petty complaint

Hope you told her that you wouldn't be visiting her anymore then. That's perverted. What grow woman wants her grown child to see her in her underwear... Answer: a pervert.

if its in her own house, then she's not a pervert, that's just how she's comfortable.