By soon to be divorced - 24/10/2013 20:06 - United States

Today, I had to call a plumber out to clear a blockage in our bathroom drainpipe. After coming back from work later in the day, and after a tearful confession from my wife, I found out that pipe wasn't the only one he snaked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 399
You deserved it 4 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call his company and tell them he's fraternizing with the clients. Get his ass fired.

At least she was honest and told you immediately instead of covering it up for months or years.



graceinsheepwear 33

I'm sorry this comment is being downvoted. It's sarcastic and funny.

Duceswild99 19

Come on we need a back story. Until you this only happened in **** movies.

was your wife's plumbing blocked as well? if not, she should be gilded shut

he was just fixing things that u couldn't...!

1. Call the company and refuse to pay the bill. 2. Cancel your check or dispute the charge with your credit card company. 3. Call the Better Business Bureau and make a complaint. 4. File assault charges on the plumber as she was clearly not in her right mind. 5. If he is married make her tell his wife in a public place preferably when they are together. 6. Write a letter to the Attorney General of your state about this plumbing company. 7. Sue the owner of the company. He will want to settle to avoid all the negative publicity. (The insurance company will have to get involved!). 8. Make her tell both her and your family what she did. 9. Divorce her as soon as this list is done.

If this is a true posting, you have my profound sympathy. What an awful thing for two people to do! It's important to remember that they were not thinking of YOU when they did it. Someone who doesn't think about you or your feelings is unworthy of your time or attention.

christiniexo 9

how is anyone seriously saying he deserved it?

I would "communicate my unhappiness" to both of them with extreme prejudice.

Ask her why. She could have been intoxicated, in which case you would want to settle things together and come up with some new "terms and regulations" to your marriage. Else, if it was just a surge in her whoremones, consider it twice - especially if you have kids - before you settle for a divorce. Maybe live separately for a bit, and see if you could get over it or live without her. Best of luck, man. Total ***** move from her.