By croissant - 24/08/2015 03:42 - France

Today, for the first day in our bakery, our intern brought croissants and rolls from our biggest competitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 736
You deserved it 68

Top comments

Wizardo 33
catanita 18

Good thinking. Maybe he want to make a comparison between the 2 producers and see if your product needs improvement or you are above the competition.


think of it as knowing the gauntlet that's in front of you

Wizardo 33

if they are an unpaid intern then leave them alone :P

catanita 18

Good thinking. Maybe he want to make a comparison between the 2 producers and see if your product needs improvement or you are above the competition.

why should you even care, just because they work where you are doesnt mean they have to spend their money there.

biasedshooter 24

why did I think for the store or is it

bad_boyfriend 10

I find it hard to believe it is your "biggest competitor" there is a ******* bakery every 30 feet in France