By John - 24/06/2011 07:17 - United States

Today, I had my anus probed twice by two different doctors. I was diagnosed with hemorrhoids. I'm a 22 year old guy and have to schedule a colonoscopy for next week. I guess there's a first time for everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 117
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I see people in their 20's with hemorrhoids regularly. It isn't as uncommon as you think. When the colonoscopy gets done, make sure you bring the wine and candles. It's a very romantic occasion.

Too bad the doctor didn't also rub the prostate. I hear it's equivalent to the females G-Spot ;)


they go up your ass during a colonoscopy as well so it won't be anything new it seems

perdix 29

In some circles, anal probings by two different doctors sounds like a dream weekend! The colonoscopy itself is no big deal -- you really don't feel anything during the procedure. It's the day before of ******** liquids that really sucks.

enonymous 8

Stop whining and get ready for some hot action... Ive been scheduling weekly colonoscopies since I was 9

ImmortalKratos 0

are you every1luvsboners? or docbastard? or both?

Why do guys always freak out about this stuff? I have to have one every 2 years. It's not that bad.

MerrikBarbarian 9

same here, and like op I'm in my 20's. it's not that horrible in the grand scheme of things.

Go sit under a heat lamp. Like the ones at McDonalds. They help. MANswers knows all

They're only hemorrhoids, would you rather it have been colon cancer? But if it makes you feel better, I know a couple people our age who have been Roto-Rooter'd as well.

a_nutritionist 10

its only colon cancer, would you rather be burned alive for 48 hours while drinking acid, being raped by a horse and stabbed by a million needles in every orifice of your body? oh right, because its stupid to point out that worse situations exist when someone is faced with a very real long term health problem.

why 2 doctors? Did you need a 2nd opinion? And lastly.....3rd times the charm! sorry OP, couldn't resist the puns. you'll be asleep for the colonoscopy so you won't feel or remember any of it, though @ least you will know if you've got polyps or any kind of cancer that can be treated when found early...better than dying like 1 of my uncles did cause he wouldn't get it done. RIP my uncle Paul.

sourgirl101 28

I'm sure it's still a bad experience because I heard you can't eat for the whole day and need to drink gallons of this nasty stuff. Also checking for polyps in your 20's seems rather young. Butt if it needs to be done it needs to be done. BTW Sorry about your Uncle.

a_nutritionist 10

im in my mid 20s and had polyps removed 3 years ago. its not that its too young, its that people that age rarely have colonoscopies.

#40 - I see what you did there. Tried to get a pun in the back door.

yes depends on the prep though it's not gallons either it's only a cup the night before or they put you on a liquid diet for two days:P