By Jamestown of Vagina - 13/09/2014 14:36 - United States - Houston

Today, I had an important oral report to deliver with a partner. Not only did he come in late and high, he pronounced Virginia as "Vagina" the whole way through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 659
You deserved it 3 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah yes, the state of ****** was founded in 1770

Thinkitthrough 23

Horrible partners... something most of us can relate to. unless you are the the bad partner in which case we hate you


Hope he didn't cause you to get a bad grade.

i really hope karma gets him bad, that was something important to you and he just screws you over!! im really sorry op

1, what would of caused a bad mark is if he yelled "F&$k her in the pu$&y" haha

Thinkitthrough 23

Horrible partners... something most of us can relate to. unless you are the the bad partner in which case we hate you

I remember seeing a tweet that said something like "when I die I want my coffin to be lowered by the people I did projects with so they can let me down one last time". I think that's something we can all relate to

Mortoli 30

Reminds me of a project I did in English 12 grade. Had to draw and color Beowulf scenes. Me and my partner got the dragon scene. I drew he colored. The drawing was so bad ass. It was definitely my best drawing ever. Till he colored it. The dragon looked like Pete's dragon... I even drew the most epic kill shot with beowulfs friend. Lol had that dude jump off cliff to dragons head with sword going down. it was epic. But then. Pete's dragon was killed...

Mortoli 30

Those scenes were so hard to draw too. I'm a little upset my teach threw them away though. I would have kept them. But yeah. It was funny. And it took a lot of time drew a background with cave and I think I drew gold I don't remember. But it was amazing work. Might redraw it in future lol. If I can. I suck at drawing.

Mortoli 30

Other funny thing was only two groups drew real badass characters I think rest drew stick figures. Lol mine of course and another groups.

Thinkitthrough 23
chill99 15

He sure gave good oral to Virginia.

"No, don't correct him. Let's see how long he goes before he notices."

Gravenmuir 18

It might've been better if he did though...