By smoothies14 - 12/09/2015 01:15 - United States - Weatherford

Today, I had a nightmare and woke up terrified, scaring my roommate. What was the dream? That I'd had a panic attack because my box of Honey Nut Cheerios was torn and the bag inside was improperly folded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 100
You deserved it 4 375

smoothies14 tells us more.

The sad part was there wasn't even a box of cheerios in the room at the time (even though there usually is). I had to go to my food spot and double check anyway so I could sleep.

Top comments

CallMeWindSock 24

At least you weren't a victim of a cereal killer

Don't worry, I destroyed a city when I found that my clothes were improperly folded, everyone has their breaking point


At first glance I said why this comment didn't receive thumbs down?

CallMeWindSock 24

At least you weren't a victim of a cereal killer

mds9986 24

I still don't trust that rabbit.

tantanpanda 26

Don't you hate it when your brain trix you like that? In all seriousness, an improperly opened cereal bag that's not clipped properly IS a nightmare, for me at least.

it could have been worse because your nightmare could have true

Don't worry, I destroyed a city when I found that my clothes were improperly folded, everyone has their breaking point

Murilirum 23


I've suspected a mild case for years, but it's still unofficial.

ManicGypsy 22

OP, I suspect that it's more than just a mild case at this point.

Sounds like a nightmare my mom would have

I can only imagine the terror you would have experienced if it had been Multigrain. My condolences.

I hope you came up with a better story than that when your roommate asked what you were doing yelling in the middle of the night.