By pea - 12/09/2011 18:32 - United States

Today, I had a lady come in to order a pizza. She wanted to use a free delivery coupon. After telling her several times that she couldn't use a free delivery coupon, unless she was having the pizza delivered, she told me I have horrible people skills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 400
You deserved it 3 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

savagearmz 6

Haha too bad u can't tell her off without getting in trouble from ur boss


You should have kindergartened her. Get her to read the coupon out loud and then ask her if it says that it's for delivery and whether it's being delivered. She would have probably flipped and it would have been hilarious

theonlysweetpea 10

You should have reached across the counter

nc21690 19

Cheap and stupid we dont have nearly enough of those people......huh? people suck

Dave8911 0

Just a thought.... Maybe she was ordering the pizza then leaving to do something else and just going to have it delivered.

How is this an fml? You obviously have people skill she's just stupid & doesn't understand the meaning of "free delivery pizza"

I work as a cashier in a fast food place and i get the weirdest people there they want a cheese burger without cheese, bacon burger without bacon, and argue with me on how expensive things are