By Lyingg - 05/10/2011 20:33 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a job interview. The only moment I impressed the interviewer was when I talked about drama. He started to talk about a play I hadn't seen, but I decided to agree on everything he was saying. Suddenly he said, "the play doesn't actually exist." I silently left the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 237
You deserved it 38 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments


There really isn't much that can be said after that.You were caught red handed.

NoNotTheFace 8

You could've tried being a kissass. -The play doesn't actually exist. So you made that up ALL by yourself? Wow, sir, you have an extremely creative mind! I am flabbergasted by the magnitude of your broad imagination. Wait. WAIT. I think I know of a friend who directs plays. He would be so happy if he knew of an angel like you. -Oh my.. *Shy Laugh*

You thought of that all by yourself? Wow! I don't recall ever having read your comments before or you just didn't make a lasting impression on me but reading this fantastic example of kissassery I'm truely impressed and convinced that I have most certainly NOT read your comments before because if I had I surely would have constructed a stalk button just for the sole purpose of continually reading and praising your entertaining and well thought out comments.

Good work taking his advice on Kissing ass.

hotPinklipstick 24

30 Wow nice kissing ass to 16, although I'm curious as to how you haven't seen any comments by that brilliant masirdam since he/she comments on plenty FMLs.

MissMisc3 7

I love that term you just used XD.

Wow... my first buried comment... why?! D:

The interviewer's pretty smart, isn't he?

You know what else doesn't exist now?... your employment. Lying during a job interview will eventually backfire if you're not careful. You may have been duped, but that doesn't mean that you can't learn from it.

kuytsgoldenlocks 1
mistersheezy 7

That's why you should be yourself.

@OP -- I'd say YDI for lying, but the interviewer lied, too. So, if you said something like "I agree with what you say this character did", there's nothing wrong with that; you never knew that the interviewer was lying! So, I say, final verdict is: I agree, your life sucks. :-( Also, look it up, whether the interviewer lied about lying. :P And, I hope you get a better interview (and job) soon. :-)