By Anonymous - 12/03/2015 13:43 - United States - Orlando

Today, I had a dream that I was making pancakes. I need to get out more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 696
You deserved it 4 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turn that dream into a reality and unlike most people you'll be able to say that you followed your dreams.


Yes! I dreamt about smearing peanut butter over warm toast one night. That's ALL I dreamt. Woke up the next day and made my dreams come true. :3

The other day, I had a dream that I was buying some more cereal, but found some in a box half the size of me and I got so excited. :(

Turn that dream into a reality and unlike most people you'll be able to say that you followed your dreams.

I thought that was normal! Well, it is for me. ?

I've had dreams about texting people before, it's not that bad OP

rachelfromtarget 14

Not if you're alergic for pancakes. :p

Well on the flip side, at least you weren't having a nightmare.

did you wake up before you got to eat the pancakes?

Then that would have been a nightmare.