By Needsanewjob - 10/01/2012 15:34 - United States

Today, I guess I accidentally left Facebook open on my work computer while I went to the bathroom, because my boss updated my status to "Unemployed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 506
You deserved it 55 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

One of the first things an employer of an office environment will tell you is "Stay off of Facebook!" Sorry, OP.. But YDI. You knew it was a rule and you broke it.


You do know Kelso is played by Ashton Kutcher right?? Moron

LilMissZer0 6

Prop to the boss...that was good. Dont be on fb during work.

There are a LOT of people who would love to have your job, and there you were wasting your company's time and money by screwing around on FB. You were paid to work, son. YDI.

bre_zip_it_up13 11

Unless your boss told you in advance that you can not be on the web browsing around then you deserved it. If they never did that suck for you and maybe you can file a complaint I don't know about suing though.

Well, that's one another way to fire someone.

YeahCourse 4

You totally deserve it. They call it work for a reason.