By wow. - 06/05/2009 20:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I got into my driving instructor's car for my first lesson. He looked at me, then said, "I'm sorry, but I wasn't told about your disabilities, what do you have?" I'm not disabled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 952
You deserved it 3 718

Same thing different taste

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I don't get it. He "saw" your disability? Are you deformed or something?

She's saying that he's implying she resembles disabled people (not sure which disability though)... Some physical characteristic she has made him assume that. It's not rocket science. But wow, what an asshole. I guess this is what happens when people assume stuff smh.


I don't get it. He "saw" your disability? Are you deformed or something?

FriesWithASideOf 0
carnage1106 0

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rocketpopper1030 11

yea how did he see a disability if you aren't disabled?

bassfromhell 0

damn thats screwed up!! i cant believe he said that without knowing if u were disabled. If you'd have said you were disabled, would the test be any easier?

ManganeseDream 0

She's saying that he's implying she resembles disabled people (not sure which disability though)... Some physical characteristic she has made him assume that. It's not rocket science. But wow, what an asshole. I guess this is what happens when people assume stuff smh.

there are some physical charistics for mental illensses like downs syndrome maybe that's what he ment???????

... this makes no sense at all. Is being fat a disability? Cuz it's all I can think off.

He must have seen your red hair...It's okay tho, just an honest mistake. Gingervitis is a genetic disorder that afflicts many citizens and their young...please, think of the children

Tristyxxx 24
jadeddream 0

err, what? I don't get it. Maybe he was just asking because these things are important to know before someone drives a car.