By what_a_loner - 17/11/2013 22:07 - Canada - Bowmanville

Today, I got into a fight with a lawn chair. It won. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 168
You deserved it 12 416

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you attempting to do besides sit on it?

Don't worry. Here on FML, losing fights to inanimate objects is something of a routine occurrence.


To all people asking "how did this happen?", watch Charlie Brown thanksgiving

That reminds me of Snoopy from Charlie Brown :)

Well it did happen in Canada. Those Canadians are way too polite to beat up lawn furniture.

The lawn chairs are such fierce creatures.

Did you leave jagged pieces of said lawn chair strewn all over the sand beach and in the water waiting to slice open an unwary beach-goers foot, because if so f**k you!

Did you and the lawn chair get into a heated argument about politics? I understand how you feel; lawn chairs make pretty good arguments for themselves.

This needs a follow up... Were you on drugs? If so I can understand...

Did this remind any of you of Even Stevens? ayyy lmao