Drugs are bad, mkay?

By Taylor Tempest - 27/12/2021 16:59

Today, I learned that weed brownie plus weed gummies leads to me drooling… on my ex-husband’s cock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 347
You deserved it 2 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, assuming both of you are single, that's just a night of sex with an ex, nothing to write home about. And by that, I mean probably nobody at home wants to hear about your sexcapades while high out of your mind.

Try blowing on it and laughing at it. That seems to be a thing these days.


Well, assuming both of you are single, that's just a night of sex with an ex, nothing to write home about. And by that, I mean probably nobody at home wants to hear about your sexcapades while high out of your mind.

Try blowing on it and laughing at it. That seems to be a thing these days.

Why am I imagining this being spoken by Towlie from South Park?

Advance 56

Who could have guessed that drugs have side effects?

xaonng 5