By soso96 - 09/08/2013 08:09 - Algeria - Ouargla

Today, due to a spate of burglaries, I updated the security on my house. Latches, locks, gates, I was very proud of my work, because it’s impossible to get in! Then, the front door slammed in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 559
You deserved it 122

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Full disclosure, latches cause emotional distress since they never let go.

I'd love to know how you managed to get back in! Lol. Did you channel your inner burglar?


Wizardo 33

Full disclosure, latches cause emotional distress since they never let go.

I'd love to know how you managed to get back in! Lol. Did you channel your inner burglar?

Time to test your work. You know what they say about the proof of the pudding..

I live in Algeria and my cousin is called soso :)

Hey guys, OP here. I did finally manage to get into my house, but the firemen had to destroy all the locks. I'm starting again next week.