By Monster-in-law - 09/08/2017 16:30 - United States - Sherwood

Today, I got a call from my brother-in-law's doctor. Apparently he's made threats and fantasizes about killing me. "Notifying you is the protocol for things like this" he said, and ended the conversation with, "have a nice day." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 977
You deserved it 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes! Well, it's definitely good that you now know about this, versus not. Now you can see what your options are. First, I'd immediately call a family meeting to see where to go from here. Also, I'd consider getting a restraining order.

I would look as though I didn't know as him knowing that the doctor has told you might cause him to do something stupid. But definitely be very cautious around him and try not to be alone with him! Good luck!


Yikes! Well, it's definitely good that you now know about this, versus not. Now you can see what your options are. First, I'd immediately call a family meeting to see where to go from here. Also, I'd consider getting a restraining order.

I would look as though I didn't know as him knowing that the doctor has told you might cause him to do something stupid. But definitely be very cautious around him and try not to be alone with him! Good luck!

Something like this actually kind of happened to me once. Back when I was in my senior year in college, I met this guy that my friends hung out with in the cafeteria, but for some reason, this guy gave me bad vibes and I never felt comfortable around him. Turns out that I was 100% correct because another one of my friends once admitted to me that the guy didn't like me. (Something I never understood because I honestly did absolutely nothing wrong to begin with) Then one day, he openly admitted that if he didn't have his medication he would want to seriously hurt me. I got really concerned and told my wellness counselor right away the next time I met with her. Fortunately, I learned shortly afterwards that the guy had left the college for good and went back to get some therapy.

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You should never take any comment by Richard seriously.

Ishvah 15

I'm gonna argue a grammatical mistake similar to a daggeling participle as in the subject isn't explicitly mentioned, but implied

The doctor did not want to kill her. He was warning her that her brother-in-law was threatening to kill her.

Guys... I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic. Assume every comment from RichardPencil is a joke.

You gotta admit, it's not clear who is the antecedent of the pronoun "he." Seems to be 50:50 whether the OP's murderer will be the doctor or the brother-in-law. Only time will tell.

Change your locks and avoid him as much as possible. Inform your significant other

I don't know why this is an fml? It's great news! Now you can get him first!!

dubby21 19

That's unfortunate ? Good Luck OP

Arcfelt 14

How does one end up deserving this?

I think a lot of FML's are overreactions to trivial things that would really be quite cute or funny a week later in hindsight, but nope, this is one of the most genuine FML's I've read. I'm sorry you had to receive that call!

Bubbles77777 11

Wow, well now u know to never let him cuz your food or bring u something to drink :)

Bubbles77777 11

Oops meant to say now you know to never let him BRING u your food:)