By prevostsrocklike - 11/05/2009 12:38 - United States

Today, I gave my wife a cat. The first thing it did when it got out of the box was scratch the sh*t out of my leg. Next, it ran up to my wife and purred. She said, "Good cat." FML
I agree, your life sucks 530
You deserved it 82

Top comments

That cat was all like, "Don't ever put me in a box again, ****er." Then it ran up to your wife's leg and was all like, "Pet me, *****." Then it was looking at you and was like, "Yeah, ***hole, what now?" Are you going to take that kind of abuse? I guess so.


thelonelylurker 0

Strangle them two bitches!!! Sorry, mate.

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

Ok at @8, the OP was just trying to get out the FML lol, He obvious cares enough about animals to get one for his wife.. knowing that he and the cat would be near eachother alot.. ya know? Anyway, sux dude, this is why dogs are bettahhhh :p lol

as above, she was well joking. Never an FML

LOL @ #8! What...was he supposed to write "I gave my wife a cat. The first thing >the cat< did when >the cat< got out of the box was scratch the sh*t out of my leg. Next, >the cat< ran up to my wife and purred. She said, "Good cat.""? Yeah, because that would make much more sense. But haha, that cat's pretty cute :3 Probably didn't like being in a box much, and it realised you were the reason it was in there. Nothing personal, but it's just as well the cat was for your wife and not you :P

Good cat! heh, don't worry the cat will come around if it thinks you like it

pippysthename00 0

She could have been saying "Good cat" for not scratching her. That's what I thought of when reading this one the first time.

#8 animal rights and grammar...two issues that you cannot is absurd and stupid actually.

themixedt4pe 0

Well, maybe your wife thought you deserved it for putting the cat in a box in the first place. Especially if she wanted a cat. it means she LIKES them, and probably also thinks that they deserve better treatment. In my opinion YDI, though I hope your leg feels better soon.