By Gabriel A - 15/01/2011 04:05 - United States

Today, I found some nude vintage pictures in my house. I decided to beat my meat to them. Later I found out it was my grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 276
You deserved it 84 358

Same thing different taste


SooShee 0

Beat your meat? Who says that?

abasio 1

You cracked one off over your grandmother. That is pure gold! have you seen her since you did it?

fluffy_nuggets 0

heyy guess what op?? your yucky((::

chokolatecandie1 6
PahhDee 0

your gross Aha that's wrong, Fyl

justnbieber 0

wait, you have nude photos of ur grandma? eww. and to the rest, that's disgusting. bahah.

She's the color of a papaya lol... papayas are orange right?