By vetstudentdream - 15/04/2017 22:00 - Australia - Bellbowrie

Today, I found out what it feels like to have a cow take a large, flatulent shit with my arm still elbow-deep inside their rectum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 785
You deserved it 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really need to stop eating and reading this site at the same time

rwch1904 5

Why the **** were you fisting a cow?


rwch1904 5

Why the **** were you fisting a cow?

caffeine_addict 11

How does a pregnancy test work with the rectum?

it's the ideal way to check for various things

Haven't you ever read All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot?

I really need to stop eating and reading this site at the same time

Do you realize you inadvertently have "cow" in your username? Or was that on purpose, you clever little minx?

My thought as I took another sip of rum

RedPillSucks 31

Rectum? I damn near killed um. seriously, I assume you're a large animal vet. was it rectum or ****** (artificial insemination). next time, get a summer intern to do that.

zeffra13 31

Considering OP's username of vetstudent, I'd say they're a vet student learning how to do an exam. So either they're in a class or they are the intern.

What were expecting to find reaching into a cow's asshole? A bunch of flowers with a card?

Please tell me you were at least wearing a glove that goes to your elbow

It's goes to your armpit, don't ask how I know.

It's goes to your armpit, don't ask how I know.

It's goes to your armpit, don't ask how I know.

Hey guys, I think it goes to the armpit.

It's normal. I'd likely fart too if someone had their fist up my better end.

They're a vet student, it's how you pregnancy check a cow

HanBanana15 9

Ah, learning the good old pregnancy-check, huh? Don't worry, you'll get so used to it that you won't even think before shoving your arm into a cow's butthole. And eventually, cow shit becomes different from any other shit by being less gag-inducing. Just make sure any clothing you wear gets washed with oxy-clean right away. It's totally gets rid of the smell. My dad worked on a dairy farm through all of my teen years, and I was responsible for his laundry.