ADHD life hack

By Jet - 30/11/2023 19:00 - United States

Today, I tried a new productivity hack of setting multiple alarms to remind me of tasks. Instead, I spent the entire day in a cacophony of alarms, confusing myself to the point where I forgot what I was actually supposed to be doing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 196
You deserved it 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Congratulations on your new Mom routine, where you know what needs to be done when it hollers at you. Like all moms everywhere, remember that it's okay to leave a couple tasks unfinished, especially at the beginning. Tell yourself that you're doing a good job, give yourself a pat on the back and a "attaboy", and ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. You can do it!

The old expression is “KISS” or “keep it simple stupid”. When starting a new routine, keep it simple. You can build on that later if it works for you.


The old expression is “KISS” or “keep it simple stupid”. When starting a new routine, keep it simple. You can build on that later if it works for you.

Congratulations on your new Mom routine, where you know what needs to be done when it hollers at you. Like all moms everywhere, remember that it's okay to leave a couple tasks unfinished, especially at the beginning. Tell yourself that you're doing a good job, give yourself a pat on the back and a "attaboy", and ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. You can do it!

Sonotsuave 35

Honestly idk if this works for you but I write to do lists on my phone and in physical copies, and crossing stuff off feels productive and good. For larger events I put reminders in my calendar, and for really important stuff I set extra reminders through the app on my phone. Good luck