Mandatory BIKES!

By Anonymous - 30/11/2022 16:00

Today, I wanted to experience the free breeze while riding on my bike, so I skipped wearing a helmet for the first time in a long while. I got fined just two minutes after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 266
You deserved it 1 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My only complaint is that someone felt the need to legislate common sense. Thereby causing a new revenue stream to be generated. Sux you were ticketed!

You might be right. The next line is about a saxophonist playing in a coal mine that I own. "Blowing like a jazzman in my mine." Are you saying that might be wrong?


Kids today don't know their Seals & Croft lyrics from the 70s. "Summer breeze makes me feel fine." Sorry you had to feel the fine instead of just taking their word for it.

Marcella1016 31

No, no, you’re mishearing it. “Summer breeze makes me feel fined.” All those concerns over subliminal lyrics were right!

You might be right. The next line is about a saxophonist playing in a coal mine that I own. "Blowing like a jazzman in my mine." Are you saying that might be wrong?

My only complaint is that someone felt the need to legislate common sense. Thereby causing a new revenue stream to be generated. Sux you were ticketed!