By Laura - 08/10/2011 04:49 - United States

Today, I found out the people I babysit for have a nanny cam. Problem is, when I'm there, I act out scenarios in which I have the sweetest boyfriend. I also say his parts out loud in a man's voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 331
You deserved it 45 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

please tell me you act everything out, too. "oh edwardcakes, your skin is cold like something that was in the fridge." "my dearest laura, you are the prettiest babysitter ever. you are like a babysitter to my heart. let us touch lips." "oh yes, let's do that." /air makeouts /air groping /air humping /airgasm


OP, will you get the footage up on YouTube for us?

I was Forever Alone before it went mainstream.

If you didn't know they were recording you, w/ sound, they're violating your First Amendment rights.

At least you weren't neglecting their kid

Symmetry88 0

1- your picture goes amazingly with that comment.

caitiebug1119 15

No, they have a right to protect their kids. If she was cussing and blasting obscene music, which you can only tell from a video with sound, I'd fire her. I wouldn't tell her she's being monitored so I can see what she does when she thinks she's not being watched. Nowhere in the Bill of Rights does it say no one can record your embarrassing vocal moments. The First Amendment says no one can tell you "You can't say that just because I say so". You can say whatever you want as long as it's reasonable (not threatening, hurtful, racist, etc.).

Senior29 8
Senior29 8

screw that she'll be on Broadway acting to crowds of thousands every night the play shall be called the lonely sitter

Senior29 8

Sweet baby jesus. I've heard of talking to yourself but this takes it to a whole new level.

Did anyone think of Gollum muttering "Preciousssssss....." when they read this?

Forever alone taken to a whole new level... I don't think there is a way for you to play this one off... Lol oh man hahaha

Tell them, you're an actor and you were rehearsing, just in case they ask.

Until they get to the part where she was making out with herself...

bbailey19 3

Just tell them you're a drama major. You might get a reccomandation.

please tell me you act everything out, too. "oh edwardcakes, your skin is cold like something that was in the fridge." "my dearest laura, you are the prettiest babysitter ever. you are like a babysitter to my heart. let us touch lips." "oh yes, let's do that." /air makeouts /air groping /air humping /airgasm

Oh man I almost did a spit take, LOL it's too early for this...

I completely lost it after fridge. Then again at airgasm.

crinx034 0

This comment is too magnificent for words.

MerrikBarbarian 9

omfg I died laughing when I imagined this!

doogy15 11

#72 don't be rude you gotta send random nudes to her before you go strait for the party. =D

#89 unfortunately, I'm very slightly underage, so that would be illegal. Otherwise, Hellz yeah.

jsturaveragegirl 5

Ydi for being psycho. Get a lid creeper

slushpup9696 12