By anonymous - 12/02/2010 05:03 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been dating is heavily into a mystical card game and spends all of his money going to "Magic" card conventions across the country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 131
You deserved it 28 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So? This isn't a FML. This is you not being accepting of other people's hobbies.

"Some guy I'm not even committed to has a hobby. FML."


Sounds kick on unique and fun to me....don't be so stuck up!

Well, it's not called "Magic: The Stay Home and Save Money" now is it?

Anon17564 3

You make me sick. Become more tolerant, or you ruin either your relationship or your boyfriend's life. (It's not just about the game, it's a matter of principle - you can't just start bitching the moment you find out he's doing something harmless like this. Unless, you want him to be your bitch 100%)

wearworkboots61 0

It's better than doing drugs.

Well, We are all so sorry and pity you since he has a hobby playing with cards instead of beating you, cheating on you, taking steroids. doing drugs, drinking, ******* your mom (or dad, whatever floats his boat,) making Internet **** of your little sister or brother. We are so damn sorry, OP.

*raises eyebrow* sounds like you have some experience in this...

Ajjas013 6

You know who else has experience *Points to OP's mom*... Nah, I have no clue.

Mystical magic card game ? Damn you suck, it is called magic the gathering and not a single soul on this planet believes they are really magic in any way. Guess what, your boyfriend has an unusual hobby, that's it. Maybe you can try and accept it, because it isn't any weirder than someone who likes to play a weird mystical mind reading game involving something with pokes, hearts and clubs. (poker)

r2010 0

i've met a LOT of magic players. it is the single worst game. ever. yes, its better than doing drugs. yes, its better than sleeping with your mother. doesn't mean you need to date a magic loser. the average magic player spends something like $10,000 on their deck - go to ebay and type Magic card, or even pokemon cards. the largest pokemon decks sell for $7,500 and i've seen magic decks go for $10,000-20,000. if he goes cross country.... well, something tells me he isn't playing with a $10 starter pack. unless he owns Microsoft and Starbucks, chances are, he'll get you a crappy Vday gift or refuse to take you out, claiming he doesn't have money. Then, he'll go spend another $500 on some rare card. i've seen enough divorces over it. yeah, i know, 10 magic players and their fat wives will yell and whine about what ive just said, but in 2 years of working at game and entertainment centers, and seeing literally hundreds of magic players and tournament people... there is no such thing as an attractive magic playing woman.

Maybe you just have a crappy social circle? I've been playing magic for years, and worked at a net cafe that hosted games and know a lot of people who play, from a lot of different countries. Maybe two of them would come remotely close to spending that much on their decks and fit into the category of nerds, and I have yet to meet a fat female player.

CheshireHalli 19

I'm not going to yell at you, because that is your opinion. I've seen quite a few GREAT players use a starter deck and blast the competition. But, to be fair, the "fat wives" comment wasn't called for. Oh, and who syas his cards are all bought by him? Maybe he's saved up and purchased one card at a time? Or maybe they were gifts, even? And because he spends money on the game DOES NOT mean she's going to get crappy gifts from him. Gifts also DO NOT make a relationship. Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Now for the OP: You ungrateful bitch! So, he has a hobby? Oh, it's a geeky one? Well, he must have done something right for you to notice him in the first place. Boyfriends don't look good up the gf's ass 24/7. I'm sure you'd complain about that too, huh? Count yourself lucky that the hobby isn't drugs, cheating, or some other unsavory business. I guess you'd be happy if he beat you, right? I don't think YDI, simply because I don't think you deserve him. Maybe YLS because you're a shallow bitch?

WOW. You are a truly horrible person. First off, the most expensive card is Black Lotus, which is typically around $2,000. I don't know of any deck that would cost $10,000 and I'm pretty much an average player. My deck cost no more than $150 and I built it up over time. (Eldrazi Green btw) It's very competitive and I win most of the time, and it still cost less than my prom dress a few years ago. My boyfriend is thinking about building a Jund deck over the summer, but that would be about $300, and guess how he's paying for it? Winnings from other tournaments! And how dare you say that Magic players don't know how to prioritize finances. Just because he plays Magic doesn't mean he doesn't know when it's a good time to get a nice present. Not like he should be getting her a big Valentine's Day present anyway, considering the time they've been dating. Give her a box of chocolates to shove down her maw and be done with it. Finally, thanks for the last little jab at women who play MtG. I'm at a healthy weight, and I think I'm looking pretty damn good.

squ1rrel 0

First of all, Magic is an expensive hobby, yes. But it can also be a lucrative one. There is always cards to trade and sell. Personally, my boyfriend has been paying his rent for two years because he plays magic, and he's able to sell his cards. The best part is he gets me nice V-Day gifts and treats me with love and respect because not only do I let him have his own life and hobby, but I actually show interest in it, and play myself. And I got him a $100 card for his birthday, and he was over the moon. Second off, I work at a game store part time, and there are plenty of attractive Magic Players- if you like the tall, nerdy type. Attractiveness is all in the eye of the beholder though, so I dont think I can convince you of it. Maybe the OP should take a good look at herself and ask why she's dating him at all. As far as I'm concerned she should leave him so he has a chance to find someone that won't judge him for his hobbies and will respect him for being who he is instead of being a **** because he plays a card game.

Wow. I don't know ANYONE who has spent $10000 on a deck, and I've been playing since 1996. I've also seen plenty of adorable Lolita/gothy type women that are mildly Otaku obsessed play MTG, usually because hobbies deemed as "nerdy", "geeky" or "weird" attract some interesting and eclectic folks. Sure, a lot of people with those hobbies do resemble the comic guy from the Simpsons, but to say that no attractive people play the game is just ridiculous. It is as ludicrous as me stating that no intelligent people play football. And by the way...**** valentines day. **** that stupid, consumer driven holiday and all of the false bullshit it represents. How about people in loving relationships show their significant other that they love them EVERY day, instead of once a year? Love does not equal a $10 box of chocolates or some shitty Twilight conversation hearts, folks. Love is about respect and showing people that you care year round. Nothing wrong with buying a loved one a gift, but you can do it outside of valentines day. Its just ludicrous that people get snooty and butt hurt over such an insignificant and stupid thing. *End rant*

r2010 0

the most expensive card is 2000$. maybe the most expensive deck would be 5 of those?

Wow, way to generalize! I don't personally play Magic but I have known people who do and not all of them are fat, geeky people! It's a hobby, just like playing video game or collecting mangas!

r2010 0

ah, the wonderful argument - maybe they were gifts. maybe he plays with just a starter set. yes, i am quite certain he TRAVELS THE COUNTRY with just a couple random cards he received free. right. i can almost guarantee this guy has sunk thousands of dollars into it. How about you give us some more details, OP? Is this man a multi-millionaire, successful, wealthy, gorgeous attentive boyfriend? does he have his own wonderful house? or does he have 5 roommates/live with his parents, have a mediocre job and you only dated him because he seemed sweet? i know, many of you losers will be offended by this, because only the truth offends. if you told me i was a terrible rodeo clown, i'd laugh, because... i'm not a rodeo clown. but tell a magic user that magic users are sad, pathetic losers, and they'll all scream OMG YOU DON'T DESERVE YOUR MAN OMG MAGIC IS AMAZING ME AND MY SMELLY NERD HUSBAND LOVE IT SO MUCH! have fun being offended by the truth, children.

r2010 0

oh, and to all you 'omg no one spends $10,000 on magic hehehe." $6,000 lots. nice to know you have no idea what you're talking about, isn't it? and, to the guy saying F VALENTINES DAY! ...single much? or no one ever got you $10 chocolates? btw...$10 chocolates? do you live at walmart? go on a $1200 cruise to bermuda with your someone special. or, whine and cry at the memory of all the lonely valentines days you've had

Most tournament decks are still only a couple of hundred dollars. Perhaps you're still in school or unemployed and that seems like a lot when you think about how many months you'd have to save up your allowance, but for most people that's not a lot to spend on a hobby, even if you have the lamest of jobs. Sure, some people spend a few thousand, but chances are those people can easily afford it. A lot of pretty intelligent people play. It doesn't mean they miss out on other things. Most people would spend a lot more on other hobbies. Musicians usually spend easily a thousand on their instruments, often a lot more depending on the instrument, and don't have anywhere near the same resale value. Most out door sports; rock climbing, kayaking, horse riding, etc, would see you spending thousands over a few years. And don't even get me started on some of the frivolous things a lot of girls spend their money on that are pointless and have no resale value whatsoever. In fact, I can't think of any hobbies off the top of my head that are cheaper and let you travel, and let you win money and mean you meet people.

I'm a woman, thank you. I am married (happily so as of last Halloween), but I am disgusted by the consumer drive for diamonds, chocolates and bullshit trinkets. Insofar as cruises, why do they have to be only on valentines day? Thats what I fail to understand, and what sickens me, that we as a society perpetuate that it is OK to only show love and spoil our loved ones one day a year.

**** you, I play Magic. Lots of normal weight attractive women do. What an asshole.

... That's a Magic Johnson card. You know, the basketball player? You're a freaking idiot. Please go hang yourself.

runamile 4

R2010 : Actually I'm in agreement with the "guy" (maybe you should have picked up on the fact that she is a girl because Frau means woman in German) that says F valentine's day. It is a hallmark holiday that makes a guy feel as if he has to get something for his gf because society demands it or it makes single people feel as if they are left out of this "holiday". Before you start bitching about how I'm some single fat cow that has never had anyone to spend valentine's day with, you are wrong (which seems to be your theme of the day). I am in a relationship and while we do play magic and other table top gaming events. We also go camping, hiking, rafting, play sports, and other activities through the year, so Valentine's day is just another day of the year to be together nothing special. As for your comment on how most of the women that play magic are unattractive, maybe you should get glasses and stop being such jerk. There are plenty of beautiful women that play magic and other games. While you may not be a clown, you are the one with the ugly personality and hopefully will end up alone. If that offended you, suck it are big enough and ugly enough to wear big girl panties now. Also some cards are expensive due to how rare they are but it's his money and he can spend it any way he wants. They are dating, not married so she can leave anytime she wants.

musiciangirl591 16

138- the person who spends 6 grand on one card is a moron, you can easily find better cards cheaper

musiciangirl591 16

i play magic, i'm very good at it, i'm a woman, 5'1" 115 pounds, 20 years old and my boyfriend and his friends, my guy friends, and random guys think i'm beautiful, the decks i build are cheap and efficient, nerds are awesome, just because you've had negative experiences with MTG players doesn't mean that thats everyone...

That's just who he is. Either, dump him or get use to it.

rockstatic 0

It's actually a good thing the OP is so upset - she obviously doesn't like smart, good-hearted guys who follow their passions. Hopefully she'll leave him so he can find someone who does. Signed, Huge dork with smokin' hot girlfriend

What does OP mean?.... Also I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Fr0gg13 0

quit ur bitching! that means u have a chance to travel!