By taylor w - 31/10/2014 02:32 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been dating for 5 months is engaged to his girlfriend of 3 years. I found out as we were talking, waiting for him to come outside after work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 697
You deserved it 3 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she hasn't done so herself, I suggest the both of you dump his ass.

Man.. he shoulda learned you keep your hoes in different area codes! [kidding, of course... I hope you BOTH dumped him!!]


Yes, what wound up happening? OP, tell us the rest of the story!!

I've been on the fiancee's end, but I didn't find out this way, and she knew all about me. As long as you didn't know, your karma is clean. Your best option is to run like fun - hopefully you stuck around only long enough to get in a couple kicks before leaving that scumbag to his well-deserved fate at the hands of the woman he horribly wronged. Good luck in finding someone better, and hopefully she does too.

Don't dump him . . . yet. Set him up - and then dump him. In a way that makes him squirm. And pay. Yes, I'm Italian. I believe in a bit of revenge. Especially in matters of the heart. Jackass.

Sorry OP. Ive been there. Mine had a girlfriend of two yrs plus a wife and two kids. This is what i found out after three months of dating, and he'd brought up marriage already. Ugh. If yours is named TOM johnson. Run for your damn life. Btw that guy lives in the clarksville, TN area for a heads up to other ladies. RUN.

A similar thing happened to me in my last relationship. I was with him for almost 2 years. When i broke up with him (because he was a horrible boyfriend all around anyways and i knew i wasn't going to deal with it anymore) he told me about a girl in his home country whom he'd been with for 5 years. He acted like it was no big deal and then laughed at me when i got angry.

Follow up! What happened? Did you confront him? Did the fiancee dump him also??

Man I wonder if that guy still has his balls intact lol.

I hope you got a good look at his reaction when he came out to find both of you. Maybe even a picture.