Where'd you go?

By Anonymous - 11/08/2021 02:01

Today, I'm being ghosted by someone who said they wanted to meet up, but never texted me. She could've just said she wasn't interested, but instead we made plans. She kept writing back, saying how excited she was to meet me, and then I never heard from her again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 010
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some women like the attention and excitement of the chase, but they ultimately don't want to get caught. Just move on. Next time, don't waste too much time and get emotionally invested. Meeting online yields a wide variety of outcomes.

Marcella1016 31

Damn based on the comments...is this really that prevalent?? Are those outliers? Or are that many people really that shitty? That’s really ****** up and I’m sorry for all of you that that was done to you :( No, all women are not like that. Sorry you keep getting burned by the shitty ones :/


It's what women do. Get used to it. I had 2 women do the same on 2 consecutive days and as it happened to be they were both named Karen.

Ambrily 27

I have a girl friend who's been ghosted several times in the past few months by men acting exactly like the person in OP's post did, so I wouldn't say it's something only women do.

sweetpotato 12
Marcella1016 31

Damn based on the comments...is this really that prevalent?? Are those outliers? Or are that many people really that shitty? That’s really ****** up and I’m sorry for all of you that that was done to you :( No, all women are not like that. Sorry you keep getting burned by the shitty ones :/

Don't worry about it, this sort of post always drags the MRA/Incel crowd out of the woodwork.

Ambrily 27

It's both men and women who do it, but I still hope it's not the majority of them. I had my experiences kn the past (I'm a woman and was ghosted by men promising the moon and more) and had friends tell me their horror stories with both genders. These comments, though, really seem 'incelfest 2021'.

Some women like the attention and excitement of the chase, but they ultimately don't want to get caught. Just move on. Next time, don't waste too much time and get emotionally invested. Meeting online yields a wide variety of outcomes.

Happens, even directly asked them and told them if they were out that's okay but just keeping me on the hook doesn't work for me. They then decided to continue to keep me on the hook until I decided this wasn't a person I should bother with.

I certainly agree that I dislike dealing with passive-aggressive people. You only figure out after some time where you really stand with such people and cannot trust that they will do what they say. However sometimes people take the passive-aggressive track for valid reasons. They might want to avoid someone trying to change their mind or might have even felt the situation could become unsafe for themselves. I cannot help wondering if OP has a negative reputation of some kind with some of the people around the gal he wanted to date. He might have come off as a nice and interesting person at first and then after talking to some friends or mutual acquaintances or even looking carefully at his Facebook pages, she might have decided that OP was not someone she wanted to get involved with. While it would have been nicer if she had just said she changed her mind instead of ghosting OP, people do get to choose who they want to date or be with.

This is prevalent in the Gay community too. It seems that we humans like to be passive aggressive to others. They get off on doing this to others. It’s some sort of power trick to them.