By SwinginSolo - 26/03/2013 12:07 - United States

Today, I found out that what my husband meant by "we should try swinging" is "I really want to have sex with this one friend of yours, and if you so much as make eye contact with any guy I'm going to totally flip out and threaten to kill him and you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 751
You deserved it 7 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jem970 19

I have never understood the concept of "swinging." If you want to sleep around why get married? The tax breaks? If you are married it is that person forever. If you want to still be married and still sleep around more power to you, but my question is why? It doesn't make sense. I really have never understood the reason behind this so if anyone is into this lifestyle then please explain. Now OP, you need to leave this relationship. He is threatening you life! Get out now before he makes good on his threats. For your own safety please leave. I would hate to see your story on the news saying you and your "lover" were murdered in cold blood by your husband over the fact that he wants to be a cheating asshole and do it under the label of "swinging."

Marriage is about more than sex. As long as both parties agree to having other sexual partners, and as long as there are protections in place (to prevent stds and pregnancy), and only if both partners are completely committed to one another, it can work out. Humans are not monogamous by nature, especially males. From a biological point of view - sleeping around results in a wider genetic pool and more chance of your off-spring surviving. Monogamy is an excellent way to live, however, two people going through life together have a greater chance of making successful offspring. We can choose to ignore biology though!

She doesn't need a lover, she just has to make eye contact...

Obey_StudBoii 23

If your going to be "swinging" you both have to be reasonable and open minded, but it sounds to me like he's had a crush on your friend for awhile. He also sounds controlling, and an asshole, and only thinks of himself. Not a healthy relationship, I hope you left him. No one should be in this type of relationship. Hence the reason why some guys (not all) are complete douches.

OP- I can't say this clearly enough- Bail. Bail out now. This is coming to a flaming horrible end if you don't. This guy isn't doing either swinging or cheating. He's doing bullying and he's manipulating you into a very bad position which leaves you only two options. One is to capitulate. The other is to leave. One crushes you into a little squeaking aching nub of your former self. The other gives you your integrity and a chance to have a relationship that's healthy. I suggest leaving. Now.

jem970 19

Actually he is cheating. He is sleeping with her friend. He just is doing it under the guise of "swinging." I agree that he is being a raging asshat and OP needs to get out but that isn't all he is doing.

Obey_StudBoii 23

I agree with what your saying.

musiciangirl591 16

leave, thats the only advice i can give you and i strongly encourage you take it

Inciter 33

It sounds like he wants a free pass to cheat while expecting you to stay completely faithful to him. If I were you, I'd divorce his ass.

Alastrina_fml 20

Swinging is for couples who are in a healthy relationship and have trust in each's usually done to introduce a new level of spice in their sex life and it applies to BOTH partners who lay the ground rules. This guy sounds more like a possessive control freak, which is NOT conducive to ANY kind of a swingers relationship. He just wants to boink your friend and has zero consideration for your or your feelings, so if you're not going to dump his ass, don't give in to his selfish, jealous and petty demands.

jem970 19

I get your point. But do you really need to sleep with other people to keep your relationship healthy? I really have never understood this concept and I have never met anyone who can do it. Why do you stayed married if you are no longer happy with one another? If you need to sleep with other people to keep your relationship "healthy" that just seems to be a recipe for disaster in your home life. What if they fall in love with the person they are screwing on friday nights? You end up getting a divorce anyway. What was the point?

monnanon 13

it is a hard concept to grasp for those of us who do not live the lifestyle but i can work i know people it has worked for.

Silent_Thrill 17

I usually don't see it as a way to keep things in the marriage interesting and to keep things working. I see swinging almost as another kink/fetish type thing. Some people like when their significant other is with other people, they like to share while they also get with other people. Then there are cuckold men and the equivalent of that to women. It's just another kink to some, if not most, people. You might not understand why some people like their girlfriends to bathe in chicken nuggets, but they do. Just like you might not understand why people swing, but they understand it. OP's wife is just an asshole who wants to use swinging as a good reason to trick her into letting him screw her friend.