By Screwed - 26/05/2009 07:48 - South Africa

Today, I was looking online for an alternative number for the interior decorator that is making curtains for me because I couldn't get hold of him. Instead of his number I found a website warning people about him, saying he is a conman. I paid a very big deposit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 456
You deserved it 19 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. That sucks; happened to my parents once. Except instead of an interior designer, it was a contractor. Not to mention he was in the process of finishing a family friend's house. Needless to say, a month after he got the down payment, he disappeared and has yet to put the finishing touches on our friend's house This was in 2005. 2. Next time, search the person before even calling them. Their service is like a product; check the online reviews before investing any money into it.

Never pay up front. Plus how did you not research the person before hand? Come on now, use your head. It's common sense.


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DontGuessMyName 5

How was she suppose to know? Gosh, some of you people just want them to be wrong.

That's why you research reviews BEFORE hiring or paying someone.

WomboCombo 0

You should have realised since it was a man.

Yep, you def got SCREWED OVER! Sucks to bo you.

Never pay up front. Plus how did you not research the person before hand? Come on now, use your head. It's common sense.

1. That sucks; happened to my parents once. Except instead of an interior designer, it was a contractor. Not to mention he was in the process of finishing a family friend's house. Needless to say, a month after he got the down payment, he disappeared and has yet to put the finishing touches on our friend's house This was in 2005. 2. Next time, search the person before even calling them. Their service is like a product; check the online reviews before investing any money into it.

WomboCombo 0

Sorry let me correct myself. You must be a worthless woman. #5 you must be a worthless one as well.