By ummPORQUE - 07/05/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I found out that the guy I've been having sex with for over a month didn't know my name until today. No wonder he always ever called me "Baby." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 010
You deserved it 70 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How have you not noticed sooner? If he's just a **** buddy I'm not sure you can expect much more.


idontgiveone 0

ydi for doing it with a person hu dusent nno ur name

Well, at least you're getting ******... Be happy with that at least.

when i first read this i thought it said the glue you were having sex with

cdonnae 0

i wonder what name he had you under in his phone?

lady4 0

YDI for being a hoe... How the **** are you going to be sleeping with someone who doesn't even know your name??? And after a month... You must be retarded or just slow... DUMB!

abbyxroad 0

hahaha is your name Dolores by chance? haha... Seinfeld

SummerTime98 0

Stop having sex with random people.

jumpgurl23 0

hahaha its called facebook