By monochromatic - 20/02/2010 03:13 - United States

Today, I found out that the 20% pay cut that the "management team" took at my job really only applied to... me. I also found out that my closest friend at work has been lying to me about it, and telling my boss everything I say. His pay was never cut. I guess it pays to be the boss's snitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 096
You deserved it 2 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

**** your boss, kill your friend, and soon you will start your path towards world domination :) It's only a matter of time before every person kneals at your feet, begging you to be merciful upon them. Soon, I SHALL RULE FML! I mean, YOU SHALL RULE THE WORLD!


tyrob911 0

you know what would had made a better ending. I guess it pays to be the boss's b**ch

Rickymonkeypants 0

why sleep with him? in the words of Bon Qui Qui, "Gurl Cut Him!!!"

garrettjordan 0

be like the main character in Wanted the movie, whenhe hits his best friend in the face with the keyboard

Soybean254 0

well shit start sucking his **** then you might get something in return

mikeyboi19 5

this has law suit written all over it

No, it doesn't. You aren't entitled to be paid anything, and in this economy he/she needs to be grateful they have a job.

MetroidSlayer01 8

what does being a closet case affect this fml and why the **** would ******* the ******* fucktard make a difference? ****

Averizzle 0

That's not his best in wanted, he hates that guy..

Hellooomindyy 0

i believe labor board says otherwise that you dont have to be paid anything. If you were hired, went through orientation, gave them your social ect then you therefore work for them and are supposed to at least be givin minimum wage

The point is moot, he was still getting paid, just 20% less than the other people there. I don't know about your state, but in right-to-work states companies can do whatever they **** they want as long as they pay minimum wage.

meshell_10 0
mrstomkaulitz 0

that's what I was thinking lol

he might be a guy and probably straight so yeah.....

MermaidSongXOXO 6

**** your boss, kill your friend, and soon you will start your path towards world domination :) It's only a matter of time before every person kneals at your feet, begging you to be merciful upon them. Soon, I SHALL RULE FML! I mean, YOU SHALL RULE THE WORLD!

You must take life very... shitty without you as a ruler.

This perspn is getting backstabbed... AND getting paycuts... and you think possible world domination... what an idiot.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

It's a joke. Why doesn't anyone ever get that? However many 100+ comments this FML is gonna end up with will tell you that OP's life sucks. That's boring and dull just to be like "Sorry. FYL", so forgive me for trying to stand out.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

My comments aren't witty... more like random, drug-induced ramblings.

Rickymonkeypants 0

....You Fail.......That is all

MermaidSongXOXO 6

*Holds brown, paper bag filled with magic mushrooms, LSD, and heroin* The question is, you got the money?

THAT WOULD BE THE NASTIEST BABY OF ALL TIME!!!!!! *barfs* (Btw I used capitalization to show emphasis, not because I'm high)

MermaidSongXOXO 6

*smirks* Really? I'm thinking bondage, and lots of whips. Be sure to wear something sexy ;]

MadaZer0 8

"Well... No... But I do have sexual flavors..." Forgot capitilization~ :3

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Oh, Snick, I LOVE it when you talk all dirty like that.

MadaZer0 8

@Tara- I'm so pretty~ I'm so pretty and witty and ga- .... :0

sourgirl101 28

Wow Mad what a cutie you are. I'm so uses to seeing your name next to cartoons.

MadaZer0 8

They are not cartoons! >.< And thank you... But I'm putting Lelouch back first thing tomorrow, so enjoy it while you can :P

MadaZer0 8

Why? I don't like the way I look... >.> I only find myself sexy in the shower... Why did I write that... O.O

wow..... and that ends another chapter of share time here at FML, I hope you all enjoyed getting to know the locals and now back to the regular comments...

Oh no, not until I get to say this: snick *you're* in #35 ;) Princess Mermaid T, you already rule FML Madara, you are a cutie and you should know it but I do miss the anime avs. It's too hard to take your snarkier comments seriously with that face staring at me

zippit09 0

Ruined West Side Story for me forever :( *frown*.

>hangs head in shame< Yes, I get it now, Professor Doodles. I'm a little slow when I'm hungover.

You could claim Constructive Dismissal, based on the pay cut, the lies, and the covert surveillance.

what are you gona do abt it besides cry here

Maybe the Fml is that his closest friend is a conniving backstabber, and even so, still her closest friend.

Kill your "friend" and burn the body. It's the only way trust me. Or you can kill his parents and cook them into chili, arrange a chili cook off. Make him eat the chili, then feast on his sweet sweet tears.

kellianne 0