By Anonymous - 27/12/2016 18:28 - Israel - Petah Tiqwa

Today, I was showing the Instagram of my crush to my cousin. He double-tapped the picture, thinking it would zoom it in. It was posted 5 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 622
You deserved it 1 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lat187 18

-Let me show you a pick of my crush! Wow that pic is tiny (zooms in) -GRAGHHHHH! What have you done!!! I'm going to look crazy now!!!!! $%#& ....

As someone who has never used Instagram, I'm going to guess this action "likes" the picture or something?


lat187 18

-Let me show you a pick of my crush! Wow that pic is tiny (zooms in) -GRAGHHHHH! What have you done!!! I'm going to look crazy now!!!!! $%#& ....

Always take a screenshot of pictures then start showing !!!!

As someone who has never used Instagram, I'm going to guess this action "likes" the picture or something?

mariri9206 32

Yes, it likes the picture. I mean, technically, it's a heart but you've got the general idea.

And you can't 'un-heart' the picture?

I don't use Instagram so I don't get it..

mariri9206 32

Double tap on IG likes their picture.

Scorpio1691 29

Thanks for clearing that up, i was also very confused about this FML.

I don't get it. If they post regularly why were you showing them a 5 month old pic? If they don't and the picture is one of the last couple posted then what's the issue?

mariri9206 32

They can post regularly but it's not necessarily a picture of themselves. IG is rarely used for selfies or pictures of yourself. That's what fb - and occasionally twitter - is for.

I'm confused. You didnt want your crush to know you've stalked their page? Maybe this action will cause your crush to communicate with you. Could lead to a friendship, or even relationship. Might turn in your favor.

Tip: if you ever accidentally like an old photo just quickly unlike it and like their newest photo, they will think the notification they received is from the new photo and you don't look like a stalker!

mariri9206 32

Shoutout to kateberglar for being a lifesaver!

I can tell you that there has never been a time that i saw someone like an old photo and thought it was creepy or stalkerish. I just assumed they were on my fb/ig/tumblr/twitter/etc, and were scrolling down for while and ended up enjoying something i posted. Its pretty easy to do.