By FailingMyCourse - 07/02/2016 03:36 - Kuwait - Kuwait

Today, I found out that my university had not accepted the internship I did when I was in college. They placed me in the same bank I interned in, with the same bank manager that I flipped the middle finger at after finishing my internship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 198
You deserved it 27 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xatraris 38

Don't burn bridges until they're fully crossed, and even then think twice before burning them. You may have to cross it again.

Maaayyybe you shouldn't have flipped that guy off? Karma's a bit of a bitch


Your boss could've been Satan and you still should've smiled like a dweeb, said "thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Devil" and shook his hand. It's called professionalism, so learn it.

maybe next time dont flip an old boss?

sgdigaetano 3

Well I guess you learned a valuable lesson early in life: don't EVER burn your bridges. You never know who you will run across again in your life after you think you're done with them.

Makes me think said manager fudged the paperwork for your first internship to get back at you.

I'm surprised the bank manager allowed OP back. I certainly wouldn't have.

Or he wanted him back to make op's life a living hell.

I'm guessing you just learned a very big lesson on just turning your back on bad situations and moving on with your life. Hopefully. Sucks, but that's part of growing up--learning how to handle people you don't like with grace.

At least we hope op learned his lesson. But let's be honest, if he's on here complaining then I bet he thinks he's in the right and didn't learn anything. He's probably one of those idiots that continues doing the same thing over and over, treating people poorly, being selfish and entitled, and then wonders why he's in the place he's in. In ten years time he'll probably be wondering why he can't get a job.

Follow-up? What did this guy ever do to you?