By StockedWithJuice - 06/07/2013 15:14 - United States - Austin

Today, I found out that my 16-year-old son bought a huge amount of grape juice, because he thought he could store it under his bed and wait for it to turn to wine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 793
You deserved it 5 334

Same thing different taste

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Well at least you have all that juice.

there is a simple recipe with honey, water, spices and yeast. biology is fun !! or just offer a beer kit to that kid !

Teach him to do experiments first with things. Try a small amount then when successful move on to bigger things. Maybe you guys should buy a beer making kit together and then with your supervision drink them together. It could be a binding experience for you both.

he's right, of course. that is how you make wine. the wild yeasts in the air are enough to start the process - how do all you naysayers think wine was originally made?

Finally someone says it! Back when alcohol was prohibited, didn't they sell grape concentrate with a "warning" saying something like "Do not dissolve in a gallon jug of water and store in the cupboard for 20 days, as this would turn it into wine?" I may be misinformed. Anyway, grape juice will ferment into something like wine all on it own, like #85 said. Although if the way wine takes on wild yeasts (and odors!) is anything like sourdough, I don't want to think about ingesting what ferments in a teenage boy's room.

avapaige1234 19

Well let him keep it there for years. Who knows?

If the grape juice doesn't have any preservatives then it will have it's own yeast from the grapes to turn into wine. If it does have preservatives and he added yeast then in could also turn into wine. All juices become alcoholic after expired but could potentially kill someone. If they are kept sealed and at the right temperature then it should be sterile.

No, it doesn't turn into wine. It's more like alcoholic vinegar... And at no point would it be drinkable...

there's a word for alcoholic vinegar , what is it? wane? wone? something like that (hint look at the 1st 3 letters in vinegar......)

Dude, they even teach alcohol fermentation in grade nine biology. Your kid is a new breed of stupid. FYL.

TcheQ 12

You deserve it for living in Texas. Unless you're an Austinite

Let's see so he isn't yet of age to drink and last I checked there isn't a high school class called "how to make alcohol" and chemistry teachers typically get a lot of angry parents when they try to include the fermentation process in the curriculum. So as a 33 year old man who also didn't know how they make wine when I was 16 he was actually thinking intelligently. All he knows is that grapes are what go into Wine using that little bit of knowledge he attempted something that failed. Stop equating lack of knowledge with stupidity.