By Why_Not31 - 01/09/2011 21:58 - United States

Today, I found out that getting caught in a barbed wire fence isn't as bad as it sounds. Running through a forest at night, tripping over one, rolling down an embankment, and getting swiped by a car, however, is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 290
You deserved it 7 401

Why_Not31 tells us more.

Why_Not31 12

It was one of those knee-high single wire barbed fences they use to keep deer/horses and stuff away from certain places like roads...I think. I don't really know what those fences do, except trip people and hurt a lot. At least it wasn't electric.


boredblonde 17

What were you in such a hurry to get to ??

Yes pussy is a another way to say cat, well done :)

2ndSucks 15

We escaped convicts never get it easy, do we?

I know, right? The other day, I was running from the pesky law, when all of a sudden, I had a nosebleed. I reached into my pocket for tissue, but all I came up with was lint. Blood trickled onto my white shirt, and I made an attempt to stem the flow by covering it up with my shirt. As I traipsed tentatively along the sidewalk, my foot hit a bump, and I took a spill, scraping the right side of my face. Before I could recover, a Doberman lunged from behind a fence and shot straight toward me. "****!" I yelped as I tore off, trying to escape this malevolent beast. This was just the beginning of the day! |the kid|

cash_monkey72 9

Is this your typical Thursday?

No #22, this is my typical every day of the week!

This is my typical Monday's on Thursdays I jump over volcanoes and frolic through meadows and on Friday I jump off cliffs whilst singing I believe I can fly.

Jennie: Run forest run! Forest: (runs into the forest) Jennie: ******* retard...

TheLastChild 8

All in a day's work for Jack Bauer.

What where you doing to make you run in the forest in the first place?