By Ouch - 12/08/2009 23:36 - United States

Today, I found out that doctors can be wrong. Pink clothes, pink stroller, pink bottles, pink bibs, pink cribs and pink bedding to go with my baby that recently came out with a little pink penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 743
You deserved it 22 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

valuemeal2 1

That happened to my mom, everyone thought I would be a boy but nope! Next time, decorate in yellow.

Well... you can save it for another time if you do happen to have a girl. :) Congrats! I love baby boys!!


What's the with the people getting so butthurt about the parents buying pink for girls? And then they have nothing better to do than to scream, "OMGG!!! UR SO SEXIST!!!1111!!one!!!" You guys NEED to look up the definition of sexist. - Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women. I don't know about you, but HOW does buying pink stuff for girl babies suggest they are inferior to male babies? -__- I bet if this was a reverse FML, several years later, a lot of you would be complaining and calling the OP a bad parent.

boatkicker 4

"its kind of your fault for buying so much useless shit the kids not gonna want or need in 5 years" Yes, OP bought things that the kid wont want five years from now. However that doesnt maek them useless. Clothes, stroller, bottles, crib? Those things are pretty useful. If you're going out somewhere, it's good to keep your baby dressed, especially if its winter, and putting him in a stoller is a good idea, because even a baby starts to feel heavy after carrying it for a while. Bottles are useful so that Mom can have a break every now and then from the baby. Crib is nice so that your baby doesn't have to sleep in your bed with you.

Wow, this is one of the most stupid, lame and superficial complaints I've seen. It's more like FYourbaby'sL because apparently you don't think by yourself and have no creativity at all. Girl=EVERYTHING Pink? Dumb. YDI for following a dumb stereotype and forcing your kid to look like a bottle of pepto-bismol just because you thought it was "cute".

i think i feel worse for the baby because his penis is so small that they mistook him for a girl :/

Wouldn't purple be more a showing of boy AND girl? :P

lol who CARES, you just had a kid!!!!!! awesome!

You just had a baby, who cares what it is! Enjoy him and return the pink stuff for blue. YDI why buy a pink crib??? Cribs should be nuetral so you can use it for the next one.

Are you people serious? Parents have every right to want to dress their boys in blue and their daughters in pink. That man's wife carried his child in her stomach for 9 agonizing months and if she wants to dress her baby in gender specific colours then she can. Don't try to push your new age mentally on people who prefer tradition And to all those people saying let the baby decide, that baby was born as nature intended, he doesn't get to decide his gender. To you OP, **** your life, if you can't return that stuff it'll be a lot of money down the drain.

balanceMMX 0

hey, your little baby has a ninja dingaling... they didn't see it until it was too late! XD

That happened to my neighbor recently. She was able to return all the pink stuff.